Legal Secretarial Services

Legal Secretarial Services have brought completely different versions for the business world. An array of jobs that come under Legal secretarial services include typing, preparing & presenting charts or graphs, managing documentation, following up with clients, booking appointments for attorneys & so on. Legal Secretarial Services do not end at filing & corresponding but also take care of the adherence to the statutory and legal norms which lay the cornerstone of any company. Such services abridge the split between geographical and administrative insufficiencies in a company’s formation as every station & UT has its own set of norms & regulations. Corporate secretarial service acts as a pillar for the company’s adherence towards rules & regulations irrespective of the type or nature of the company because the company secretary is competent to deal with any kind of company & ensure its compliance towards the government rules & latest amendments.

What are the important Company Law and Secretarial Services?

The Company Law and Secretarial services include the following important services:


  • Consultative services on laws related to FEMA, SEBI, Corporate along with other affiliated laws
  • Advisory services on different labour laws
  • Commencement of Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP) and new companies in Noida and outside
  • Secretarial Compliance audit
  • Consultative services related to adherence to the SEBI (LODR) , Regulations 2015
  • Legal Guidance with respect to mergers, joint ventures or related to IPO, ESOP configuration, absorption, Follow on Public Offering and other external reconstruction schemes
  • Corporate Secretarial services
  • Due Diligence services
  • Consultative services on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) including trademark registration, royalty agreement, IPRs enforcement and so on.

Under Companies Act, 2013:

  • Registration of the Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP), Company, Name alteration, Objects Change, Updation of status from Private Ltd to Public Ltd and vice-versa i.e. from Public Ltd to Private Ltd
  • Registration of Branch Office or Liaison Office or Project Office of a Foreign Company.
  • Transformation of an LLP or Partnership Firm into a Company
  • Assistance in filing petitions with Company Law Board, Registrar of Companies or Regional Director.
  • Legal guidance & help in moving registered office from one State to another
  • Legal guidance & help in the preparation of Notices, Minutes, Agenda & Resolutions for Committee Meetings, Board Meeting, Annual or Extra-Ordinary General Meeting.
  • Visioning with the Companies’ Registrar, Regional Director and Company Law Board to obtain regulatory certifications
  • Legal guidance & help in the preparation of different registers such as Register of Member, Register of Charges, Register of Transfer, Register of Director, etc.
  • Obtaining Secretarial Compliance Certificate for Private, Public and Listed Companies
  • Legal guidance & help in the closure of companies in Noida.
  • Legal guidance & help in adherence needed towards demergers, mergers or related to amalgamations, acquisition, take over, etc.

Under the Securities and Exchange Board of Noida (SEBI):

  • Legal guidance & help in filing of different forms under SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997.
  • Advisory services on different SEBI Norms such as SEBI Takeover Code, SEBI Portfolio Managers Regulations, SEBI Insider Trading Regulations, SEBI Broker Regulations related to IPO, SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2009, Public Issue, Rights Issue, Preferential Allotment, Bonus Issue, Delisting, QIP & so on.
  • Legal guidance & help in filing of different forms under SEBI Prohibition of Insider Trading Regulations, 1992.
  • Legal guidance & help in Delisting of Companies from Stock Exchanges under SEBI following the Delisting of Equity Sharer Regulations, 2009.
  • Legal guidance & help in procurement of various regulatory certifications like from NSE/SEBI / BSE.

Under the SEBI (LODR), Regulations 2015

  • Advisory services on different Listing Obligation Disclosure Requirements;
  • Legal Guidance on the applicability of various Regulations and their Compliances

Under Intellectual Property Laws:

  • Legal guidance & services related to preparation & filing of various forms under Patent, Trademark and Copyrights Act.
  • Legal guidance & services related to Registration of a Patent, Trademark & Copyright.
  • Legal guidance & services related to documentation for licensing or transferring of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) such as trademark, technical knowledge & so on.

Companies that offer legal secretarial services have a host of expert legal professionals, Chartered Accountants and Company Secretaries who have vast experience & knowledge about different laws and legal documentation. So, it is always a good idea to avail legal secretarial services from top-rated CA/CS consultants who carry an innovative & business-oriented approach along with experience in different sectors.

Advantages of availing Legal Secretarial Services from a competent consulting CA/CS companies.

  • Broad exposure to issues related to corporate laws and taxation & accounting across various sectors.
  • Refined know-how to deal with Noida and MCNs & offer them corporate advisory services and national & international jurisdictions.
  • Team of professionals who are well-versed in corporate & commercial regulations like exchange control regulations, intellectual property rights law, SEBI regulations, etc.
  • Approach to international methodologies and subject competence along with expertise in multiple areas and nationwide availability.
  • Huge experience in managing complicated legal and secretarial issues.

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