In union budget of 2020, the honourable finance minister introduced a major change for granting exemption under section 12AA, 12AB and donation under section 80G to trust, society and other charitable establishments etc. But interestingly the point to be noted is that validity of provisions under section 12A will cease to exist after 31.03.2021 therefore, it is important to know the registration process under section 12AB. This new process will bring about a new wave of digitalization and transparency in the process of registration.
Before we proceed further, let’s discuss both the section’s one by one.
Section 12AB is an amendment introduced by the ministry relating to the compliance and registration process of religious or Charitable Trusts/ Institutions etc. which were earlier registered under section 12AA of the Income Tax Act.
Section 12AB deals with registration of trusts and other not for profit establishments granted by the Income Tax Department. The institution registered under this section is to be exempted from the income tax payment. Section 8 Companies, Trusts and NGOs which have obtained 12AB registration enjoy exemption from paying income tax on their surplus income.
All the currently registered or approved charitable and religious institutions (including NGOs) under the following sections-
The organizations already registered under above sections are compulsorily required to switch to section 12AB for fresh registration in order to continue availing exemption under section 10 or 11.
The enterprise will be classified as micro, small, or medium enterprise according to the following criteria:
Following steps can be followed for getting MSME Registration:
Case 1: - Where a trust or institution is already registered under section 12A or 12AA
The entity should apply for new registration underneath section 12AB within 30.06.2021, which will be valid for a period of 5 years. It begins from the assessment year from which registration was granted before to the charitable trust or institution.Case 2: - Where a Charitable trust or institution is provisionally registered under section 12AB, which be valid for 3 years from the grant of provisional registration. It begins from the first assessment year in which provisional registration was granted.
The application for the above can be applied by filing Form 10A online on the income-tax site First login into the portal using your ID and password. The form is available on the income tax website under e file menu tab Income Tax Forms. Fill the required details in the form asking for: -Following documents are required to be annexed with FORM 10A while registration: -
Taking registration under section 80G facilitates the registered NGO or charitable institution to benefit its donors to claim exemption under Income Tax. Application for section 12AB and section 80G can either be applied together or can be applied separately just after getting registered under section 12AB.
There are certain conditions specified under Section 80G (5) to be satisfied to get the approval u/s 80G:
Following steps can be followed for getting MSME Registration:
Application under Section 80G can be made via Form 10G. Firstly fill the form properly along with all the necessary documents to Jurisdictional Principal Commissioner or Income Tax Commissioner.
After receiving the application, the commissioner can check the documents and worthiness of the NGO activities. Also he can ask for supporting/ additional documents or other relevant information.
After satisfaction he can pass an order in writing confirming the registration under section 80G or non-satisfaction he can reject the application, after giving the applicant a chance to be heard
No, the trust cannot take registration under both the section simultaneously as of now if the organisation already gets itself registered under section 10(23C) and simultaneously applies under section 12AB then the second registration stands null and void.
Ans. No, the person cannot apply under multiple section codes at the same time only one section code can be selected in single application.
The Online application shall be made to the Commissioner or Principal Commissioner of Income Tax who shall pass an order granting approval or rejection within 3 months from the date of commencement of the new provision.
Yes. To claim an exemption under section 11, a trust must get the registration under section 12AB of Income Tax Act, 1961.
To claim an exemption for 80G, the following details have to be submitted in the Income Tax Return-
The various donations specified in section 80G are eligible for a deduction up to 100% or 50% without restrictions.
For the purpose of calculation of the amount that is available as a deduction from gross total amount, we can classify the deductions as: deductions without limit and deductions subject to limit.
The various donations specified in section 80G are eligible for a deduction of up to either 100% or 50% with or without restrictions.
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