NGO Darpan Registration

The NGO Darpan is creativity started by the NITI Aayog and the National Informatics Center. It allows the interchange of crucial information between Non-Profit Government Organizations, Volunteer Organizations, bodies, Government Departments, and ministries. Doing the NGO Darpan Registration online will help Non-Profit Government Organizations receive vital updates concerning government grants and other benefits. To achieve the objective of smoothly doing business and other social benefits, a committed Centralized Portal is made available to NGOs/VO in which they can effortlessly enrol with the Noida Government and an overall centralized database is available with the Noida Government which helps in the Formation of Social Welfare Activities. Scroll down to check more information regarding NGO Darpan Registration in Noida.

Brief Overview of NGO Darpan Registration in Noida

NGO Darpan is an interfacing platform between Voluntary Organisation (VO) or Non Government Organization (NGO) and key or fundamental ministries/ departments/ government bodies. It is a free facility provided by the NITI Aayog in collaboration with National Informatics Centre to foster and encourage more transparency and accountability.

This pandemic situation has proved the worth of NGOs in fighting the odds of this difficult time. NGOs have provided meals and basic facilitates to the poor and needy ones in their hard time. But, do you know their source of finance? Yes, it is donations and majorly the grants received from government schemes. Therefore, it is very important for NGOs to know about NGO darpan, the platform established by National Institute for Transforming Noida (NITI Aayog) for registration of NGOs. By getting itself registered, these organisations can stay updated about the various beneficiary schemes of government of funding and grants.

Benefits of Getting NGO Darpan Registration

Following are the benefits of getting registered under NGO Darpan

  • Government Grant are a major source of finance and to avail them the organisation must be registered on this platform
  • The Unique ID received after registration provides more creditability to the NGO
  • This helps you in staying updated with the launch of various government schemes
  • By getting registered here you can apply or avail grant online.

Who can apply for NGO Darpan Registration?

The organisations mentioned below can apply for registration under NGO Darpan /NITI Aayog registration:

  • Non Government Organisation
  • Society
  • Trust
  • Charitable Institution
  • Voluntary Organisation or VOs

Documents Requirement for NGO Darpan Registration

Here’s a quick glance at the documents essential for NGO Darpan registration.

  • PAN Card of the organisation
  • Address proof of the organisation
  • Date of registration
  • Aadhar card and PAN card of the member of the governing body
  • Trust deed or certificate of incorporation or society registration certificate
  • A valid mobile number and email id of each member
  • Detailed information about the funding or source of income received or proposed income
  • The detailed information about the activities required to carry out or which it proposes to carry out
  • Details of the three members who will be designated on these posts in the executive committee of the governing body
  • Chairman or President
  • Secretary general or person in charge of operations of the entity
  • Treasurer or person responsible for financial decisions

Process of Applying for Registration on NGO Darpan

The whole process of Company registration can be divided into four steps:

  • 1

    One can apply for registration through the online portal of NGO Darpan registration i.e.,

  • 2

    Sign up on this portal with a valid mobile number and email address by creating a user id and password

  • 3

    After creating the user id and password, one needs to provide and fill the following required details of your NGO:

    • NGO’s name or name of VO (Volunteer Organization).
    • PAN of the Organization
    • PAN Copy
    • Name of Secretary
    • Name of Treasurer
    • • Name of Chief Functionary
    • Provide contact details during the above step along with the PAN details.
    • Fill the details of the governing body and its members
    After filling the required information recheck the details and attach the documents mentioned above, then submit the application.
  • 4

    Now, an OTP will be received on your registered number which is provided by the applicant, then use this OTP for future verification and creating a new password. After login, you have to provide all the details related to your registration, and the details are as follows:

    • Type of NGO
    • • Act under which NGO Registration is done.
    • Registration City
    • Registration Date
    • Registration Number
    • Registration Validity
    • Registration Copy
    In case of more than one registration, provide all the details regarding 2nd and 3rd registration. The details are the same as the details mentioned above.
  • 5

    If the department is satisfied with all the documents and details submitted it will grant the registration within 3-5 days. When the application gets approved the department will issue you a unique id which shall be used later for other purposes.

Things you need to do after getting registration

Getting registration is crucial but it is more crucial to know about the subsequent actions to be performed after getting registered. After the grant of registration one needs to maintain the accounts and facilitate the following information to the ministry at the end of each financial year.

FAQs on NGO Darpan Registration

Ans. There as such no time limit for getting your NGO registered under NGO Darpan. One can apply any time by having a valid PAN Card and registration certificate.

Ans. There is as such no requirement for renewal of this registration as it is a onetime process.

Ans. No, it is not possible to get multiple registrations on single PAN as it can be applied only once using same PAN.

Ans. After getting registered you have contact the concerned department wherein you ought to receive the grant via quoting your unique id at NGO Darpan. If you satisfy all the mandatory or required criteria, then you will receive the grant accordingly.

Ans. Firstly, login onto the portal via using your credentials i.e., user id and password. Now, on the top right hand side click onto edit profile option and edit your profile as per your requirement.

Ans. To apply for grant firstly sign up onto the portal and login with the help of your credentials. On the portal various links are available for viewing the grants department wise. Select the scheme under which you want to apply, click on the link and you will get all the information related to the scheme selected like, documents needed for applying or the format in which the application needs to be drafted out. You can proceed further as the guidance provided thereto and for any query you can freely contact the concerned nodal officer, the details of the nodal officer will be mentioned on the portal.

Ans. As for now an individual cannot apply for registration onto the NGO Darpan portal.

Ans. The NGO Darpan provides following facilities:

  • You can get details of currently registered NGOs or voluntary organisations
  • You can get the details about the various government grant or funding schemes launched by the government
  • Apply online for grants
  • You can easily track the status of your grants applied for.

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