A group of people working together to promote charitable activities like sports, music, culture, religion, art, education, etc. and when the group is registered under the Society Registration Act then it will be recognized legally as Society. Additionally, it brings uniformity in the way of working of Societies which helps in better governance too. It is mostly formed to carry out activities like scientific/charitable or literary works. The purpose of Society Registration can be underlined as it enables to give boost to legal conditions of Society. It also helps Society to get a legal status in Noida. In other words, it becomes a legal entity.
Whenever we decide anything, the first thing which clicks in our mind is that what is the purpose for which we are doing the action. So here are some purposes of society registration which are defined under the Act: –
Mainly the purposes are related to improvement or upliftment of the society. Hence the purposes defined are of inclusive nature many more legal social works can also be undertaken.
Registered Societies are similar to a partnership firm. Moreover, these societies enjoy divergent merits than that of an unregistered organization. There must be a least of 7 members or more for creating community. Following members are allowed to enroll for Memorandum of society: Besides person, the following bodies are eligible to form an association by contributing to the Memorandum of a society:
The following documents are required for Society Registration as follows:
The precautions that one should keep in mind in finalizing the name of Society are as follows:
Generally, in the offline process the above documents have to be submitted with the registrar office with the appropriate fees in 2 copies. The registrar after getting the application will sign the first copy and return it while the other copy kept by them for acknowledging the genuineness of the society. Once the registrar is satisfied then an Incorporation Certificate will be issued with a registration number by them.
Electronically there are different websites for each state and the process began accordingly. Here the society registration process of Rajasthan is being described below: –
Login on the SSO page. In case of new user of SSO portal then get yourself register by providing your e-mail id in it.
Select society registration from the main menu.
Provide required details of members and attach the documents as regarding to the details of members and registered office of society.
After verifying all the above provided details save the application.
The applicant now requires to pay the registration fees and click on the submit button to forward the application to the registrar.
Now the applicant can check the status on official website of society registration in Rajasthan by providing application number over it.
After the approval of registrar, the applicant is required to login again for downloading the By-laws and MOA of the Society.
After getting the Bye-laws and MOA a society can now work as a legal person.
After completing the incorporation requirements, it will take 12-15 days in getting approval and generation of registration certificate.
After getting registration the society have to comply with the below stated regularities:
A society can be formed by any 7 or more persons associated for any literary, scientific or charitable purpose, or for any such purpose as described under section 20 of Society Registration Act.
According to the act, the name of society must be unique and should not be similar to any other registered society. Hence if any of such case is found than opportunity to represent their cases is being given to the concern persons and after hearing the enquiry if the case is found interrupted the action to cancel the society registration on later date is initiated.
Yes, a society can be dissolved by: –
The rights of the society are described below;
For downloading the incorporation certificate, one should login its SSO ID and click on Society Registration. Now click over the action button in front of application id of the applied society. Here an option to download MOA, Bylaws and incorporation certificate is provided.
The below documents are required in the above case:
No, the members are not personally liable for any debt or liabilities of the society.
As society is a separate legal entity in front of forum and authorities after getting registered, so it has authority to sue anyone and can be sued as a legal person.
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